
Ihala Maragahawewa is a village in Thalgasewa Grama Niladhari Division, Nochchiyagama
Divisional Secretariat, Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka. It is about
30km to the town of Anuradhapura. The most of residents in this area are farmers. They are very
unlucky to have clean water to drink. Ihala Maragahawewa suburb is selected to next phase of
Pivithuru Pan Puja Project due to high prevalence of CKDu outbreak. The most of residents in this
area are farmers. They do not have enough potable water for consumption. Numbers of eighteen
people were already diagnosed as CKDu and numbers of five deaths have been reported in last
three years. However the real number is more than that due to late or missed diagnosis. Major
barrier of CKDu prevention is late identification and poor living condition of the villagers.
Sometimes if they are diagnosed as CKDu, they don’t seek proper consultations due to low
economic status.
More than 2000 innocent peoples will be served from this project area. We suppose to make our
future generation free from life threatening CKDu by giving pure water through installing RO
plants. Chinese Graduates in Sri Lanka is willing to take part in this meritorious act again as
pious sponsor for this project in Ihala Maragahawewa.

The Names Of Donors

Chinese Graduates in Sri Lanka


Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka